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Choose an MFC Accreditation

The Manitoba Fitness Council (MFC) is the local organization that represents Fitness Leadership Canada. MFC offers this nationally recognized program to potential fitness leaders in Manitoba. MFC has also been supported by the Province of Manitoba to provide approved fitness leadership certification.

The Manitoba Fitness Council is a non-profit organization that has been certifying fitness leaders since 1986, and currently has over 800 Fitness Leaders in the Province of Manitoba.

The Manitoba Fitness Council provides its members with ongoing educational opportunities through workshops, conferences and newsletters.

MFC is an organization that strives for excellence; both in the programs that we provide, and the leaders that we send out into Manitoba Communities. Our leaders are Physical Fitness Ambassadors who help lead our communities towards better health and well-being.

How do I get started?

Becoming a fitness leader requires you to take at least two courses. Please follow the chart above to determine which courses are needed for the certification you are pursuing.

Every course has a written exam following the course and every certification requires a practical assessment as well to complete the process.

 Designations can be taken when prerequisite certification is complete. Any certification serves as a prerequisite for these additional designations (with the exception of the Registered Personal Trainer Course).

How long will it take to complete the Accreditation process?

It can take anywhere between 2 and 12 months depending on your time & the availability of courses.

How long are the courses?

Each course runs somewhere around 8-40 hours. Some are set up to be completed in a weekend or two and others are set to run one day a week for a couple of months.

Are there jobs out there for Fitness Leaders?

Yes, there are many job opportunities once you have completed your certification. Once certified you have access to our online job bank.

Are there any other courses outside of MFC that I must take in order to obtain my accreditation?

Yes, you must also take CPR and Emergency First Aid. The certificate is required for your final step. We do offer this course through MFC.

How do I find out about courses dates and locations?

The most current course details are available on our website. If there is a training agency hosting the course, you need to register directly with them.

When do I officially become a member of the MFC?

You will officially become a member of the MFC and have access to our services when you complete your exercise theory exam.

What do I have to do to retain my accreditation?

The MFC follows the Fitness Leadership Canada guidelines and has high standards for its members, for this reason fitness leaders need to keep up to date on their skills and knowledge. Every three years leaders must submit attendance records for continuing education credits to be eligible for renewal. Paying annual membership fees and keeping up your CPR and First Aid keeps your membership in good standing.

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