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Certification Courses 


The Manitoba Fitness Council has recognized the following training courses; for more information on times, locations, and course registration fees, contact the training agency directly.

Certification Courses:

Exercise Theory** is the prerequisite for all certification courses.

Exercise Theory is required FIRST, before you can take any other certification course.  (If you have studied Exercise Science or Kinesiology or hold another fitness leader certification, ask us about your knowledge transfer options.) 

The list below shows the certification areas you can teach fitness classes in, please choose the course you want to teach:

Any of the above certifications will meet the requirements for these courses.

** Indicates those course that are available by distance education to start anytime online. 

Os casinos online têm vindo a expandir os seus horizontes nos últimos anos, não só oferecendo novos e excitantes jogos aos jogadores, mas também patrocinando cursos de formação para instrutores de fitness. Estes patrocínios têm sido direccionados para os esforços contínuos da indústria do jogo para promover estilos de vida saudáveis entre os seus jogadores. Além disso, muitos casinos online, como o, estão agora a aceitar criptomoedas como método de pagamento, o que abriu novas oportunidades de patrocínio na indústria do jogo. A indústria do jogo tem sido frequentemente criticada por promover hábitos pouco saudáveis entre os seus clientes. No entanto, com o aumento dos jogos online e a utilização de criptomoedas nos casinos, existe uma oportunidade para promover estilos de vida mais saudáveis através destes patrocínios. Muitos casinos online oferecem agora incentivos aos jogadores que mantenham um determinado nível de fitness ou participem em desafios relacionados com a saúde. Em linha com esta tendência, vários casinos online começaram a patrocinar cursos de formação para instrutores de fitness.

Although there is a minimum and maximum number of hours required for each course, courses are offered in different formats (i.e. condensed over one or two weekends or once a week for 5 weeks, or via distance education). It is strongly suggested that you consider the course that best suits your learning style. Attendance in all classes is mandatory in order to receive the completion certificate required by MFC to write the exam.

Once you have completed the Exercise Theory Course, you can then decide which certification course you would like to take. 

Each course has a written exam. Certification is obtained once you have completed your course work and written and practical assessment and have met other criteria including payment of membership fees and submission of Emergency First Aid and CPR certification. 

**Cancellation Policy - a Notice of 3 weeks is required to cancel your registration for an MFC event.


The accreditation process involves three steps. There is a written exam after each course you take.

Candidates must be at least 16 years old and successfully complete all three steps prior to being recognized as an MFC accredited fitness leader.


Based upon the National Fitness Leadership Alliance (NFLA) Performance Standards for Fitness Leaders, including: Leadership, Health and Fitness Basics of Physiology, Anatomy and Applied Movement, Mechanics, Principles of Training, Workout Design and Basic Nutrition.

The exercise theory course is a prerequisite for all fitness specialty courses. The Exercise Theory Exam must be written within 1 month of taking the Exercise Theory Course (unless the course is taken via distance education in which case the timeline for exam writing is extended to six months).

Exercise Theory Course Dates


Each course is approximately 24 hours long. Individuals may choose to become accredited in more than one area by completing each specialty course, exam and practical evaluation. The written exam must be written within 6 months of taking your course.


Written exams are completed after Step One and Step Two through exam seatings arranged by the MFC. A score of 80% is necessary on each exam prior to moving on to Step Three. Candidates must successfully complete the exercise theory exam prior to writing a specialty module exam.

The fee for each written exam is $35.00 (first attempt). The Exercise Theory Exam fee is $82.00. Candidates are strongly encouraged to give themselves enough time to adequately prepare prior to writing the exams. Exam prep sessions are available, please ask us about these.

Exams are based on the application of knowledge obtained from the courses. The format for the exams: Exercise Theory Exam – 60 multiple choice questions (60 minutes).
Specialty Exams – Some have a combination of multiple choice and short-answer questions (60-120 minutes). If you fail, one re-write is allowed for each exam ($35.00 fee).

Should a candidate be required to re-write an exam, an appointment can be arranged to review the first exam. Individuals must complete their written exams within one month after completing the Exercise Theory course, and 6 months after completing a Specialty Course (ie, Group Fitness, Resistance Training, Aqua Fitness or Older Adult). If not, the candidate is required to repeat the course.

Individuals with previous related education have the option of challenging the exercise theory exam in lieu of taking the course. Fee for challenging the exam is $110.00. Only one challenge is allowed.

All exam dates are listed in the events section. Please click here to access exam dates 


After completing a minimum of 10 hours within a specialty area, the candidate requests an evaluation through the MFC office. An MFC recognized Evaluator of Fitness Leaders observes and evaluates the leader candidate based on the national standards. A practical evaluation is required for each specialty area. Click here to access the evaluation booking form.

First Aid is Required to become a Fitness Leader or Personal Trainer 

CPR (Heart Saver) and First Aid (Emergency) courses must be completed prior to receiving recognition as an accredited Fitness Leader.

Accreditation fee is $132.50 yearly** which includes MFC Membership and insurance fees. ** fees subject to change

Contact MFC if you would like to discuss the potential for a course in your area by e-mail at or by phone at 204-235-1245.

Walking Coach Workshop

Looking for a quicker option to get people moving in your community 8 hours is all it takes to get a certificate to get people moving! 

Getting people moving takes a little bit of thought.. We’ll teach you how to: Provide motivation, education and safe active living programs based on current physical activity guidelines Encourage movement activities in a variety of meaningful ways Create awareness of other support services Promote and facilitate active living opportunities

Register here!

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